Saturday, November 21, 2009

Corn Machoux

Tired of holiday casseroles made with Cream of Crap Soup? I am. Or, was. I haven't had Cream of Crap anything for about 10 years. What the hell is in that stuff, anyway? Here is how to have an amazing veggie side dish that is not only delicious, very easy, but is gorgeous, too!

Cajun Corn Machoux ( Ma-Shoe for the Yankees out there)

Get a bunch of fresh ears of corn. I don't know how many are you going to feed? 6-8 ought to do it. Cut it off the cob and put in a large bowl. Scrape the cob to add that wonderful sweet corn milk. Dice up a green bell pepper, a orange bell pepper, and a red bell pepper. Add to the bowl. Chop up an onion. Add. Chop up a few green onions tops included. Add. Chop up some garlic. Guess what?.....ADD! Finely chop a few jalapeno peppers. Add. Slice a basketful of those baby tomatoes in half. Add. Chop up some flat leaf parsley. Throw it in. Now, optionally you can add some fresh asparagus tips, some diced zucchini, or any other veggie you are in love with. Stir it all up in the bowl.

On a side note, if you are extremely industrious, you can grill the veggies before you assemble. The grill marks make it really cool!

Melt some butter in a large dutch oven. Add your veggies, and sprinkle with sea salt and fresh cracked pepper. Add a small amount of chicken stock, just to give it a bit of liquid. Cook until the veggies are cooked, yet still crisp. Now, some Cajun cooks would add some heavy cream and reduce it slightly, but I don't because it is yummy just like this and I don't need the calories anyway.

This is awesome! It is delicious, colorful, fresh, healthy, and you won't be duct taping it to your ass like you would with a Cream of Crap concoction topped with deep fried fake onions.

5 days until Thanksgiving!!!

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