Thursday, November 5, 2009

Mamacita's Spring Break Inspired Tortilla Soup

Or, in other words, Mama's Damn Good Let's Get Shitfaced Tortilla Soup.

This is a soupy kind of day. I need something easy to throw on the stove, and I wanted to spice it up. Tortilla Soup!!!!! I started off by putting on a sombrero and cranking up the mariachi music on the stereo. Gotta "feel" the mood! Went to the grocery store wearing said garb with a paper moustache under my nose. Picked up the ingredients. Yes, I got a few stares, but I am used to it.

I cut up some chicken breasts into cubes. Set them aside. In a stock pot or dutch oven I added equal amounts of beef broth, chicken stock, and water. Now, pour yourself a shot of tequila. Cut up a couple of limes. Grab the salt shaker. Lick your hand, sprinkle the salt on it, lick the salt off, shoot the tequila.......and bite down on your lime. Back to the soup........

Add some cut up canned tomatoes. Sautee some onion, bell pepper,chopped carrot, celery, minced jalapeno and garlic in a little olive oil. Add to the pot. Do another shot of tequila. Add the chicken to the pot while you sing La Cucharacha. Having fun yet? Add a couple of ears of fresh corn cut off of the cob. Now add some chili powder, cumin, crushed red pepper,a couple of bay leaves,and salt and pepper to taste.

Turn your flame to low and let it simmer while you do another shot and do the Mexican Hat dance in the middle of the floor. Crank up the stereo. You want to really create that Cancun kind of mood when the family walks in the door. Think Senor Frogs at spring break. Do another shot.

Cut some tortillas into strips and quickly deep fry. When the fam gets home, if they don't have you committed, ladle the soup into bowls. Top with tortilla strips, monterey jack cheese, a dollup of sour cream, some fresh cilantro, some chopped up avocado and a lime wedge. More tequila is optional.



  1. Thank God I know you don't shop at Wal-Mart! Otherwise, I'd have to worry about you showing up on that website!

  2. Robin you are so funny! It never fails... you always make me laugh... and I always walk away with a smile on my face after hearing from you.
    Thank You!

  3. You inspired me tonight and while I only had white wine on hand, I had nearly all the other ingredients and made due. Delightful!! Thank you! Jana DesForges
