Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tid Bits

Or, this should be renamed TIT Bits.......

Please, NEVER tell a child that they will not like something. Let them experience the flavor themselves and start them out tasting different ingredients early in life. DO NOT inflict your own weird crap on to your kids. Create excitement, and tell them a story about what they are tasting.

I had a child today ( about 4 years old) who's Mom told them that they would NOT like an artisian goat cheese, spread with a fig preserve on a cracker. The child insisted. The child loved it. Of course, I was thrilled and gave the child seconds.

So today, a wonderful little person has learned to love an award winning goat cheese topped with a delicious fig preserve, and he would have been warped for life if hadn't been for me.

The End. I may save the world yet. ;)

1 comment:

  1. I hate when parents don't let their kids experiment! One of Addison's favorite meals is a spinach & goat cheese omelette. Everyone wonders how I get her to eat anything but macaroni & cheese, but I think it's because I get her involved in the process. Anything she "helps" me cook, she eats!
