Friday, November 6, 2009

Damned Good Fish

Damned Good Fish

Get out a big old skillet, and pour in some olive oil. Just enough to cook some vegetables in. Add some green onions, normal onions, italian parsley, and bell pepper. If I have to tell you how to chop it up, you shouldn't be cookin' in the first place.
Stir it up while you pour yourself a glass of white wine. Hell, if Julia Child could do it, so can you.

Now pour a bit of the wine in the pan, and add some chopped garlic. Sip your wine and stir for about 10 minutes. Throw in a shitload of chopped up tomatoes. Add some V-8, salt pepper, and Worstershire, and some splashes of hot sauce, and stir it up. Turn down the heat to medium, and reduce it for about 20 minutes. Call your best friend, and tell her what you are doin' and ask her to get over to your place quick. This is going to be good!

Now, take some fresh white fish. Halibut, cod, sea bass, you get the picture...Cut it up into chunks. If you have a big mouth,(like me) cut a big chunk. A little mouth, a little chunk. I really don't have many friends with little mouths. Throw that into the pot. Turn the fire down low. Cook it for 20 more minutes. If you have any wine left, pour some more for yourself. If your friend showed up, open another bottle.

Now make a pot of rice, steamed in chicken broth and lemon zest and put the fish on top.

This is best made wearing an apron that ties in the back, with no drawers on. That way it makes it easier for your husband to kiss yer ass when you bend over. It's that good.

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