Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Tid Bits

Oyster Chowder with Parmesan Tuiles alongside a Fried Oyster Salad with Tabasco Croutons

This is it. The final plating. Please comment and tell me what you think. Be HONEST! Would you order this? Click on the pic to see the whole thing.......


  1. it looks deevine. But, for me? i would not order both oyster dishes - don't know if that helps or not, but they look FABULOUS!!!
    good luck my friend!

  2. it looks fantastic, obviously you are talented. like, really really got IT! you want honest though, so here's my honest. I'm with Leigh on oyster plus oyster, (there's a pearl joke in there somewhere but it fails me at the moment). My other immediate reaction was "the salad looks heavy and wet". Next to a bowl of creamy soup my preference would be a very light crispy delicate salad.

    But you already know I don't know shit, crap I can't stand cheese and won't eat anything slimy, so for sure take my advise with a teeny little grain of Morton table salt. I think you're the shiznits and love this blog! Go get your little bitty ass on the Foodie Show, can't wait to see it. now, if you could just teach me how to make a decent steak.......

  3. And you know I don't know chit either but 2 things come to mind.
    1. My arsteest brain likes 3zees not 2zees, so I would prefer the salad in a seperate dish on the charger.
    3. The parmasan tulle looks delicate and tasty but where's the bread woman? I like to dip my bread in salad dressing AND chowder to sop up every morsel. OINK!
